Wedding shoes are the most common option, leather texture and is suitable for most occasions, and dress shoes for the wedding is also easier to mix, even after the wedding, can continue to wear shoes, it is different from the wedding, wearing a life. If it is Chinese-style wedding, on the choice of embroidered satin shoe system,
wholesale fashion jewelry coupled with the same fabric or the same color of the dress, a classic beauty suddenly appeared in front of the guests.
Select material soft, breathable and good shoes is important, otherwise the soles of the feet does not make your feet sweat nausea, it will affect the image of the bride and the mood. Not too thin soles,
wholesale costume jewelry or soles of the feet easily affected, if slip is better to not worry about the hotel floor slippery or turn in to the embarrassment of drinks. The system of embroidered satin shoes, tend to be more refined, suitable for small size of the bride.